Bring out the brilliance in your people

After years of working with leaders and individuals in organizations, we can tell you clearly, most people don’t bring their full capabilities to work. And many are working in environments that don't give them the opportunity to or tools to develop their tremendous potential.

We can help you create an environment where people shine, contribute, grow and take great pride in the work they do. The business case has been made for creating emotionally intelligent workplaces, engaging your workforce, and developing an internal coaching culture. Research shows significant increases in employee engagement, increased organizational effectiveness and stronger financial performance. Everyone benefits when the workplace empowers and invites full contribution, growth and strong relationships.

Our Corporate Coaching programs are designed to teach and implement coaching skills at any or all levels of your organization. We will work with your team to design a program that suits the needs of your organization. Whether you want to introduce coaching skills to your organization or have a vision of transitioning to a coaching culture, we will assist you in creating a plan and a program that suits your need and budget. The success of your program is of utmost importance to us.

1-to-1 Strategic Leadership Coaching for Board and Executive

Times have changed. Executives simply are no more responsible for the enterprise’s financial performance and the wellbeing of their people. Today’s Chairmen, CEO’s and Executive Committee members must deal with a myriad of pressures that never existed before – the tyranny of quarterly results, customer power through social media, shareholder revolts, press intrusions, environmental responsibilities, global competition, technological advances, new generational values and, more recently, volatile financial markets – to name but a few.
Add to this the changing relationships and governance structures at the top of big corporations and it’s not surprising that today’s leaders are extraordinarily busy, and often quite lonely, people.

What difference do we make ?

Our clients will tell you we make a significant, performance and life-enhancing impact on their businesses as well as their personal effectiveness and wellbeing.

They frequently cite:

  • Our unique methodology and ‘Higher-Intent’ leadership framework which challenges them to think more deeply about their leadership and key relationships.
  • Enhanced ability to make meaning for others and to harness people’s deeper energies and creativity, resulting in breakthrough performance.
  • More sustainable energy levels, health and personal wellbeing resulting in increased work and life satisfaction.
  • And, most importantly, an increased sense of confidence they are making the right calls, hiring the right people and building strong aligned teams – and wider business cultures – that deliver or surpass stakeholder expectations.

Team Coaching for Boards and Leadership Team

In our experience there is a direct correlation between top team effectiveness and corporate performance. One of the most vital roles any senior leader can play, therefore, is to assemble, develop and sustain high-performing leadership teams.

Whether you are Chairman, CEO, or a senior functional Executive, your team is at the core of your ability to deliver your commitments to stakeholders.

When was the last time you considered your own leadership style?

Are there any aspects of your style that you could adapt to be an even more effective leader to the Board, to enable the team to have more open conversations, better alignment and strategic clarity?

Is it at all possible that your style could be inhibiting the fuller relationship and fuller collaboration of the Leadership Team?

Could the way you lead / ask questions be compelling your team to try and ‘cover their backside’ rather than being open and honest with you?

Example topics you may cover during your coaching programme are:

  • Getting the best out of each of your board members.
  • We enable senior teams to develop a powerful rationale for becoming a true team, encourage them to create a robust set of “rules for winning” and help them and their team bring these to life everyday.
  • We help accelerate the individual effectiveness of leaders as well as shaping the teams’ culture to drive more candid conversations about the business.
  • Developing and projecting sufficient leadership gravitas.
  • Effectively creating the conditions to enable the leadership team to function at its optimum level.
  • Identifying exactly where to focus your leadership energy for the greatest commercial leverage.
  • Reassessing strategic priorities and developing a clear plan of action.

Developmental Coaching Skills for Managers and Leaders

This course is designed to take your leaders and managers beyond the basics, to develop their own skills and abilities as highly effective leader coaches. This is a comprehensive program that will redefine leadership and teach deep coaching and development skills. Leaders will be able to shift themselves from a world of short term focus on immediate goals, to a new context where they can lead with, amongst other qualities, greater purpose, authenticity and creativity.

They will be able to create a meaningful legacy, and align their organisations with their customers, employees and shareholders in a more profound, purposeful and sustainable way.

  • Unlock and develop the skills and talents of others, over time: High level performance coaching, tools that replace performance reviews, creating and following an effective development plan, mentoring, delivery of clear motivational feedback, working with limiting beliefs that hold back performance.
  • Leader as Coach: Facilitating transformational relationships that help people know themselves and others at deeper levels, and achieve their potential.
  • Next Level Skill Development: Moving from basic practical skills to expertise across the spectrum of workplace coaching.

Relationship Skills for the Workplace : Working with Emotional Intelligence

The programme helps leaders explore and fully activate their ‘minds, hearts and hands’; giving them the clarity and courage to lead more powerfully. This authentic connection to their deeper values will enable participants to lead change more powerfully in their organisations.

• This workshop will help your team in integrating the skills and knowledge needed to become an emotionally intelligent workplace.

• It will assist people in problem solving, effective communication and workplace relationship skills.

• Your team will learn the basics of effective collaboration, communication, self-responsibility, conflict resolution and self-motivation.

• Many organizations find the monthly one-hour format of this course to be helpful in long term learning and integration of new skills and habits.

Customize a Program

• Our programs are especially designed for business owners, business executives, management and support staff to find that sweet spot and be motivated to put their best foot forward every single day—at work and in their personal lives.

• We customize our programs to suit personality and skill sets of business owner, leadership teams and employees and the specific areas each company wants to focus on and develop.

Most teams we work with are already extraordinarily successful.

To discuss how we can help you be even more effective together, contact us today at

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